Hey guys!
Guess what? I received my very first blog award! This seriously means the world to me, so I would like to send a special thanks to Michelle from Vintage Cobweb. I appreciate this gesture so much!
I'm honored, to be thought of for something like this. It must mean that I'm doing something right in all my rambles! You may be wondering just what the heck is a Liebster. Don't worry, I was too. Liebster in German means 'beloved' or 'favorite'. (I am SO going to impress my German teacher tomorrow and tell her she's my 'liebster Lehrerin' [Beloved teacher!]) It is an award given by
bloggers, to other bloggers, and in this case it is an award for a blog
considered to be the "best kept secret." Really it's an award for a great blog with fewer than 200 followers.
Wow. Best kept secret... aw! Now of course, the rules:
- Thank the person that nominated you on your blog and link back to them.
- Nominate up to five other blogs for the award.
- Let them know via comment on their blog
- Post the award on your blog
So I always seem to really adore these really great blogs that don't get nearly as much recognition as they deserve, (and I'm saying they deserve hundreds, if not thousands of followers!) so here is a way that I can show them some love! I've selected these people for the Liebster Blog Award to go to:
Lulu at The Bookworm is Here
Sara at 21saraloves
Leah Marie at Reading With My Eyes Shut
I've found that they really put a lot into what they write and are entertaining as well as informative. I hope you'll go check them out and follow them, too!
I'm not sure what else I should say, except for the fact that I'm so amazed at how much this blog is growing. I've been doing this for just under 3 months and I'm now at 90 followers. I know a lot of blogs hit that number a lot sooner, but I'm really proud of that accomplishment. :)
Thanks again, Michelle!