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Saturday 6 April 2013

Stacking the Shelves (32)

Stacking the Shelves is a book haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews -This is a great way for us to share what books we added to our shelves each.

Ebooks (Review):

Thank you to Netgalley, Hachette Book Group, Harlequin Teen, and Entangled Teen!

I didn't get any physical books this week as I'm trying to hold off on buying any for a while, but I couldn't help requesting a few books from Netgalley (for the first time!) I'm really liking this eBook thing.... Who knew! :D As always, I want to see what you got this week in books, so leave me a link to your haul and I'll check it out!

Happy reading!


  1. Wow, you got some great books, Kristy! Seriously, I can't wait for The Collector. I'm planning to go to the release party for that (which is tonight!!), since it's near me. I've only heard great things about it so far. And Dare to You!! I loved Pushing the Limits, and I can't wait to get my hands on that one.

    Enjoy all your lovely books. <3

    -Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life

  2. Wow all of your books look awesome, Happy Reading. Everyone talks about Netgalley but I have no idea what it is? Sorry would you mind explaining it to me? Haha thanks. Alex's versus the universe looks cool. Enjoy

    1. Ok so I'm pretty new to Netgalley, but basically it's a site where you can request e-galleys of books and then the publishers will approve or decline your request and if you get approved, you receive an eBook copy! It's really simple and neat! :)

  3. I also got 'Dare To You' this week! :)

    love the blog btw!
    new follower.

  4. I've heard so many hyped up things about The Collector I hope you LURRVEEE that one! Also, Dare You To?

    I HAVE NO WORDS FOR HOW AMAZING THAT IS MY ENTIRE REVIEW WAS A RANTY MESS CAN I JUST *BE* BETH RIGHT NOW? *runs after Ryan in a totally non-stalkery/fangirl way*

    I'm lying. I am totally running after Ryan in a stalkery/fangirly way.

    I hope you enjoy your books! <33 They look fantastic! Can't want to see your reviews you'll have to tweet me your review because I'm way too forgetful and I'll most likely end up missing it >.<

    Happy reading!

  5. When I first got into Netgalley and got accepted to review a book from there it was a downhill spiral of requesting haha I LOVE Netgalley.

    The Universe Versus Alex Woods has a great looking cover. Enjoy your books!

    My STS Post

  6. The Universe Versus Alex Woods looks really good! Never heard of it before, must check it out :D

    Happy reading!
    My stack

  7. I really want to read Dare You to although I still need to read Pushing the Limits yet.
    Great haul! I hope you'll enjoy them =)

  8. I'm super excited to jump into both The Collector and Dare You To. I have a feeling they will both be amazing!! :) Enjoy your goodies!!

    BTW - your blog design is adorable... love the owls!!! ;)

  9. I got Dare You To a while ago but haven't read it yet... but I'd love to read the Collector! Congrats on getting it for review :)
    I hope you enjoy all of them!

    My StS

  10. Yay for The Collector! I still need to read Dare You To but I hear it's amazing! Enjoy! :)

    My haul

  11. I got Dare You To a few weeks ago - I requested it before having read Pushing the Limits, which I didn't end up enjoying, but I'm hoping I will like DYT more! Enjoy your books :)

  12. I've also got this book too haven't started reading it but I'll start reading this one today

    Blogging Profit Unleashed

  13. Eep! I think I'm bubbling with jealousy! I'm dying to get The Collector (and still don't know why I haven't now that it's out). Although I am a little wary of it because of all the hype, I want to see if the comic relief is just as good as it sounds. Happy reading!

    Thanks for stopping by my StS!

    Grace | Lust For Stories


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As of now, A Little Shelf of Heaven is an award-free blog! I really appreciate them, so so much, but I just don't have the time to pass them along to other blogs!

Thanks for stopping by! <3

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