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Tuesday 5 March 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I'd Like to Start

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.This week's topic is Top Ten Series I'd like to start but haven't. This is a great topic considering so many amazing series that I love are coming to an end this year! (Delirium, Divergent, Chemical Garden)

 So that's my list of series I want to start this year! I'd love to see your choices, so leave me a link to your TTT in the comments and I'll check it out!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I've read some of these, and they're definitely worth having on your list!!! I need to add some others!!!!

  2. Ruby Red almost made my list. I haven't read many time traveling books and that needs to change.
    Great list!
    Our TTT

  3. Great picks! I also want to red Cinder and The Maze Runner. And I love The Forest of Hands and Teeth. :)
    Here's mine


  4. I've read GOT, Cinder and The Iron King and rated all with 5 stars, they're all epic!! Definitely worth reading :)

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  5. I have Ruby Red and Sapphire Blue on my Kindle but just haven't gotten around to them--I haven't heard much about these books, but the one or two things I have seen seem to think they're excellent books.

    The Lying Game is good, as long as you can tell who the narrator is--Shepphard switches willy nilly between Sutton and Emma with no warning.

  6. Cinder is fantastic, I am about to start Scarlet. I really enjoyed The Forest of Hands and Teeth, it was beautifully written especially considering it's a book about zombies!

    Our TTT

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  7. The Lying Game!!! Yours is the first list I've seen it on :) It's a really good series... except maybe the 3rd book, that one was blah... but the rest of them are addicting!
    My TTT

  8. The Iron Fey series is awesome so is Cinder :)

    My TTT


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