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Monday 27 August 2012

Mini Reviews (1)

These 'Mini Reviews' posts are going to only occur when I have two or more books that I've read, but find difficult to review, or if it's a short story. Here's my first two!

Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Publisher: Poppy/Little Brown
Page Count: 236 pages, Hardcover (I read the Paperback edition, 215 pages - Headline)
Date Published: May 24th 2012  (first published January 2nd 2012)
Source: Purchased
Rating:  3/5

My Thoughts:  Cute is really the only word I can use to describe this book... Cute.

I was so excited about this book, because it seemed like such a fun, easy going story. But while reading it, while it was a fun book, it also felt as if it was trying to take itself too seriously, if that makes any sense. It was so short, only spanning 24 hours, but it felt as if it could have gone on a lot longer. Hadley and Oliver were cute characters, but because of the short time span, we didn't get to find out as much about them as we would have, had the book been longer. It was pretty predictable, but I didn't expect any different. It was a good, easy read, after a bunch of books that were tougher and more emotional. Check out this book if you're looking for a cute contemporary to temporarily get your mind off things!

Author: Shari A. Brady
Publisher: Createspace
Page Count: 249 pages, Paperback
Date Published: June 11th 2012
Find it on Goodreads: Wish I Could Have Said Goodbye
Source: Sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review!
Rating: 3/5

 My Thoughts: Way too many conflicting emotions about this book...

I've had people I'm close with pass away in the past, but never a sibling. That alone made this book hard to read, because I had no idea how to relate with Carmella. I felt so terrible for her loss, but then at the same time, she did so many things that I just couldn't imagine, and I'm trying to figure out if it was just her grieving process, or if she and I would never see eye to eye. Her lists were a good insight to her head, but they also gave me a headache at times, because many of them said that she, Carmella, had no reason to live. That made me a bit frustrated, because yes, your sister died, but shouldn't you be out living your life, trying to make Francesca proud, instead of wallowing away in your closet? But then, I don't know, because I have never experienced the loss of my sister. Then there was the fact that this book touched a lot on Christianity and it made me a bit uncomfortable at times, because I have no idea how to review a book that touches so much on religion. I was raised Christian (I went to church), so I understand the concepts and all, but I'm still exploring my religious beliefs and so, I have no clue. The writing was both great and awkward at times, but mostly it was good. I think I would have understood this book better had I gone through the grief that Carmella does in the book. But honestly, I'm kind of glad I don't know that grief quite yet.

Happy reading, everyone!


  1. I like the other cover for the The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight but it looks more childish then the first book. I wouldn't think it was a teen book.

    A lot of things can happen in 24 hours but it looks like this book didn't make the most of it. I was looking forward to this and I might think of it if I really need a light read.

    I'm kind of in the same boat with you religion wise but I don't mind christian fiction books unless they are way too... pointedly religious if that makes sense :P

    I could understand how she wanted to die. I've read a couple of books about suicide so I guess that's why unless she was whiny about dying and not really just in pure grief.

    1. Yeah I like the other cover as well, but I'm glad I got it in paperback! And yeah I totally understand about the Christian fiction... I'm that way too, but I think with this book it was just a shock that it had so much in it, that it ended up being too much. I totally understand the whole thing about her wanting to die, but it just seemed a little whiny and overboard at times, to me.

  2. Great review - I really enjoyed The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight but I felt something was missing. I'm looking forward to trying some of the authors other work.


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