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Saturday 3 March 2012

Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

How many of you are as annoyed as I am that we have to wait a year until Requiem comes out!? I finished Pandemonium in a day and a half and I am banging my head against the wall because I cannot wait for the final book in this incredible trilogy! Delirium ended on such a cliff-hanger and this book is no exception in the rule that Lauren Oliver is queen of all crazy-frustrating, throw-the-book-across-the-room endings!

Author: Lauren Oliver
Publisher: HarperTeen
My Rating: 4.5/5 ~ It was fantastic!


I’m pushing aside the memory of my nightmare,
pushing aside thoughts of Alex,
pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school,
like Raven taught me to do.
The old life is dead.
But the old Lena is dead too.
I buried her.
I left her beyond a fence,
behind a wall of smoke and flame.

**INEVITABLE SPOILERS for those who have not read or are still reading Delirium.**

The story is told though alternating chapters of Lena in the Wilds and then working for the Resistance. Although this worked really well for the story in general it confused me at some points. It was also very frustrating when I wanted to know what was going to happen in the Then chapters, but I had to read the Now chapter as well! I would really love to give this book 5 stars, because the second half of the book deserves it completely, but the first half was a little bit hard for me to get through. There were some points where I didn't understand what was happening with the Resistance and all in all was just plain confused. I think it was because of the fact that Alex was gone. I am still totally team Alex. Julian should go crawl in a hole. Lena really frustrated me at some points! She hardly made any effort to find out if Alex was alive or not. I understand that it would be hard for her to talk about him, but I would also think that she would do anything to find out the truth about where he is and if he was dead. But her falling in love with Julian frustrated the heck out of me! It was only, what... six months after Alex was captured!?  
 How can she forget that?!?!?!?! He's the ONE! I was really worried about Lauren Oliver making this series into a love triangle, but you know what? Screw it... TEAM ALEX FTW. Julian is sweet but Lena needs Alex! Anyways, sorry for that little rant... Anyone who has finished Pandemonium: what did you think of the ending? Did you shriek in frustration like I did?! We have to now wait until February 2013 for the final book! *sob* How horrible!!! :'(

To anyone who has not yet read Delirium, go to the library, go to the bookstore, order it online, I don't care. You have to read this series if you have even the slightest interest in dystopian romances.

Let me know what you thought of Pandemonium and if you think it lived up to Delirium!


  1. I know exactly how you feel! Team Alex all the way! Julian annoyed the heck out of me (probably because he was slowly finding his way into Lena's heart and I was still waiting for Alex to come back.) But I seriously found it hard to believe that Julian and Lena could fall in love so fast (I'm not sure if she actually said she did but thats I how I took it). I liked the ending. Best part of the whole book (Because Alex comes back!)! I can't wait for the last book!

  2. i have not read this book but i really want to, your review makes me have it now

  3. this is the best book i have ever read! i wish alex could have stayed :(

  4. I totally agree with you!
    Alex is the only one for Lena! I like Julian. But I love Alex. Lena has given up everything for Alex. And he is her first love an i think she always loves him.

    TEAM Alex!


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