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Saturday 23 March 2013

Stacking the Shelves (30)

Stacking the Shelves is a book haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews -This is a great way for us to share what books we added to our shelves each.


Thank you so much to Nawanda Files for the awesome surprise book!

That's my haul for the week! I was SUPER excited about finding Speechless and Legacy for sale at Shoppers Drugmart and I've been anxiously waiting the giveaway book's arrival! I had no idea which book it was, as it was part of Nawanda Files' YA BOOK EXCHANGE giveaway, where the girls choose one book from the winner's wishlist to send over! I was extremely excited to see this book arrive in the mail... I've heard so many great things about Etiquette & Espionage and well, I just adore teen spy books!

As always, I want to see what YOU got this week in books! Leave me a link to your haul and I'll check it out!

Happy reading!


  1. Speechless was amazing! Hope you enjoy your books this week!

    My Stacking The Shelves

    Charlie xx

  2. Looks like you've got some fabulous reads, Etiquette and Espionage looks great :D Hope you enjoy them :)

    My Stacking The Shelves Post:

  3. Awesome books. I got Scarlett at the library this week. Can't wait to read it.

  4. Etiquette and Espionage looks like so much fun. I put it on hold at the library, but it hasn't come in for me yet. Also, I really need to read Speechless. I've heard really good things about it.

    Anyway, enjoy your goodies. Happy reading :)

  5. I can't wait to read E&E! It looks so good! I hope you enjoy your books this week =)

    Our StS for the week =)

  6. Etiquette and Espionage is a fun book! Congrats on winning a copy!

  7. Very nice! I ended up really liking Cayla Kluver's Legacy series! I hope you enjoy all your books!

    My STS

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

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Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate every single comment I get! I will try as hard as I can to remember to stop by your blog and return the favour! (I'm so sorry if I forget, I have an awful memory!)

As of now, A Little Shelf of Heaven is an award-free blog! I really appreciate them, so so much, but I just don't have the time to pass them along to other blogs!

Thanks for stopping by! <3

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