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Tuesday 8 May 2012

Top Ten Tuesday - Favorite Quotes From Books (4)

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week is top ten favorite quotes from books! Well, that's kind of difficult to narrow down, but here are ten of the quotes on my list of like, a million favorites, in no particular order! :)

Top Ten Favorite Quotes:

“Life is full of screwups," he said, chucking another paper at the split-level before taking the corner. "You're supposed to fail sometimes. It's a required part of the human existence.” -Along for the Ride 

 "The best of us must sometimes eat our words." -Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

“I spent my life folded between the pages of books. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction.” -Shatter Me 

“Many homicidal lunatics are very quiet, unassuming people. Delightful fellows.” -Ten Little Indians  (And Then There Were None)

 “I liked the feeling of love,' [Jonas] confessed. He glanced nervously at the speaker on the wall, reassuring himself that no one was listening. 'I wish we still had that,' he whispered. 'Of course,' he added quickly, 'I do understand that it wouldn't work very well. And that it's much better to be organized the way we are now. I can see that it was a dangerous way to live.'
...'Still,' he said slowly, almost to himself, 'I did like the light they made. And the warmth.”-The Giver

“Never lose a chance of saying a kind word.” -Vanity Fair

 “HELLO? HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME? I-WANT-TO-TALK-TO-HARRY-POTTER!” -Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaba

“You see, we cannot draw lines and compartments and refuse to budge beyond them. Sometimes you have to use your failures as stepping-stones to success. You have to maintain a fine balance between hope and despair.' He paused, considering what he had just said. 'Yes', he repeated. 'In the end, it's all a question of balance.” -A Fine Balance

"I'm a revenant, not a vampire, chérie."  -Die For Me

“What the hell?" I asked. Is this daring escape being sponsored by Honda?”  -Last Sacrifice

That's my list for this week! Comment below with a link to your TTT and I'll be sure to check it out!

Have a great day/night everyone!


  1. I love And Then There Were None, one of my favourite Agatha Christie mysteries. Love the Prisoner of Azkaban quote too, made me laugh!

  2. Love the quote from "Last Sacrifice"! That cracked me up.

  3. Fab quotes, it's great to see an Agatha Christie in there! If you'd like to check out mine, they're here.

  4. Now I decided Die For Me is next on my TBR! Thank you! Here's mine! http://prettyniftyyareader.blogspot.ca/2012/05/top-ten-tuesday-6-one-with-penises.html

  5. Love the Shatter Me quote. Excellent list.
    Angela @ AJ Arndt Books Blog

  6. I love that moment from the Prisoner of Azkaban and the quote from Chamber of Secrets is wonderful. I'd be quite pleased to eat the words from Harry Potter. My cat Severus tried once. I was reading him the Snape quotes from the Half-Blood Prince and he got so affectionate towards the book, he sunk his teeth into it. It has the bite marks to prove it.

  7. haha I loved the Honda escaping thing in Last Sacrifice!! :) Amazing quotes you've picked!! Love them all ;) <3

    My Top10

  8. Love the quotes! Secially the last one it made me crack up! Also love the Harrpy Potter, Along For The Ride and Die For Me quotes!

    Great picks! :)


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