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Sunday 27 May 2012

Stacking the Shelves (2)

Stacking the Shelves is a book haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews -This is a great way for us to share what books we added to our shelves each week! 

 Remember how last week I didn't buy any books? Yeah, well this week? Not so much. I was kind of going through withdrawals and I stepped into the book store, inhaled and felt like I was in heaven. Do you ever get that? Where you step into the book store after almost two weeks and the smell of thousands of books comes at you like a million daggers. (Haha is that even an expression?) Well, that's how it was for me. :P So, yeah I went to both Coles and the used book store, so while there I was kind of like "Mwahahahaha!!!" and went slightly overboard. Okay, not really. But I did buy a few books, so that was really exciting. Here's what I added to my shelf this week!

 For Review:

Thanks to BethanyHouse

So  yes, I did get the 5$ copy of Hush, Hush! I've been dying to read this since it came out, but I couldn't bring myself to buy it, as I don't actually like angel books that much. Then I saw it was only 4.99$ and I was like O.O! Plus, Crescendo was on for 5$ as well for an inventory clear-out so I got that yesterday. So, I am SUPER excited about that! Plus I got The Forest of Hands and Teeth for a couple of bucks and all These Things I've Done is in paperback now!!!! Finally! I don't know why I got Prophet, but it looks good so I'm excited about that. What did you get new on your shelf? Leave a link in the comments to your haul and I'll check it out!

Have a great day/night everyone!


  1. That's awesome! Enjoy! I know I haven't bought books in AGES and then yesterday I thought I'm going to treat me to some! So I went to this little market and I bought me two books! I'll put them on my blog 2mrw! :)

  2. I go the Chapters sometimes just to walk around and spend time with the books. Being with all those books just makes me feel ... so good.

  3. Great set! I've only read Hush, Hush. I need to finish the series.
    My Bookish Recap

  4. Thanks for following my blog Christy! I hope you like my book when it comes out! -Dianne

  5. Cool ass blog lol. Love your book choices.



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