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Tuesday 29 May 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Written In The Past 10 Years That I Hope People Are Still Reading In 30 Years (7)

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.This week's topic is  Top Ten Books Written In The Past 10 Years That I Hope People Are Still Reading In 30 Years.

  • Just Listen by Sarah Dessen - This book has such an great message and it's so well done. I loved it sooooo much.
  • The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - Honestly? Do I need to explain why?
  • Divergent by Veronica Roth - This is one of my favorites of all time and like The Hunger Games, I feel no strong need to explain why this book should be read for a long time.
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling - Because if you want to read this one, you need to read the first 4 that were published before 2002. ;)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling - See above
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling - See above
  • Delirium by Lauren Oliver - This book is absolutely incredible and it has such an important message about love and fighting for what is right.
  • The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - I finally read it guys! My review will be up soon, explaining in more detail why this book is so incredible and should be on every bookshelf in the world.
  • The DUFF by Kody Keplinger - This is a hilarious book that holds an incredible message for teen girls, or really anyone, in a fun and light way.
  • Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins - Just because this is probably one of the best books I've read so far this year. It was so incredible. Read it.  
  •  I'm cheating, but oh well... Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi - So incredibly written and deserves to be loved and cherished for all eternity.
That's it for this week's TTT! What books are on your list of should-be-read-in-30-years? Leave me a link to your list in the comments, I'd love to check it out!

Have a good day/night everyone!


  1. Loved The Hunger Games and Divergent and a few others that you mentioned are books I'm planning on reading. Awesome list!

  2. I really need to read Shatter Me. I am not sure how I missed it when in came out, but I keep hearing great things about it. I still haven't gotten Insurgent yet either. Have you read Blood Red Road by Moira Young? It's a great Hunger Games/Divergent readalike. Here is my list http://wp.me/pzUn5-10k

  3. This is such a great list! I haven't read all the books on here, but most of them I have and completely agree with that analysis! Awesome list!


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