Hey guys! One of my favourite things about hardcovers has always been taking off the dust jacket and seeing what details they put on the cover underneath and lately I've been noticing some really great ones! So I thought I'd start this little feature to highlight some of my favourite hardcovers that have hidden little gems under their covers!
This week I'm featuring Cruel Beauty's incredibly beautiful cover!
...I was head over heels in love. Beauty and the Beast is one of my all time favourite fairy tales and variations of it always excite me, so this book is one I'm way way stoked to read! And that gorgeous cover, with the jacket and without, is a definite added bonus!
Happy reading!
I absolutely adore this cover, so after I borrowed this from a friend and took of the dust jacket to see this...
...I was head over heels in love. Beauty and the Beast is one of my all time favourite fairy tales and variations of it always excite me, so this book is one I'm way way stoked to read! And that gorgeous cover, with the jacket and without, is a definite added bonus!
Happy reading!
Wow! I love this one even more than Talon. I have held this book in my hand, but couldn't see the actually cover because it was a library book and they tape a clear cover over it. Aghh! I would love to see this in person; see how it shines. I love this! !