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Thursday 15 January 2015

Under the Cover (1)

Hey guys! One of my favourite things about hardcovers has always been taking off the dust jacket and seeing what details they put on the cover underneath and lately I've been noticing some really great ones! So I thought I'd start this little feature to highlight some of my favourite hardcovers that have hidden little gems under their covers! I thought I'd start off with one that is absolutely stunning: Talon by Julie Kagawa!

Pretty great cover right? BUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER...



I know we're not supposed to judge the book by its cover, but call me vain, 'cause a pretty cover sure is nice. It was definitely a pleasant surprise when I purchased this and saw all the pretty gold and amazing DRAGONS all over it! So. Gorgeous.

Happy reading!


  1. OHMYGOD THAT IS ONE GORGEOUS BOOK! I don't judge a book by it's cover but I do appreciate awesomeness like this. I love taking off dust jackets, as well ;)

  2. This is one of my favorite meme's! Whenever I get a new book in the mail that is a hardcover, the first thing I do EVERY TIME is take off the jacket to see if there is anything cool! When I go to a book store, same thing! I love the library and I am a frequent flier of multiple libraries, but it bothers me to no end that you can't get those jackets off, and I always wonder WHAT AM I MISSING?! So, this is a great post. I haven't seen Talon yet, but now I know there is something awesome under its cover!


Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I appreciate every single comment I get! I will try as hard as I can to remember to stop by your blog and return the favour! (I'm so sorry if I forget, I have an awful memory!)

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Thanks for stopping by! <3

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