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Saturday 5 July 2014

Weekend Update + Stacking the Shelves

Happy Saturday everyone! I thought I'd start doing weekend updates, instead of just the occasional stacking the shelves, and include what's been going on in my life, what I've been reading and loving this week and of course, any new books I received! So here we go!

I've been on a good reading kick lately, so here's some of the books that I've gotten through in the last bit!



What I've been up to: 

  1. I'm done all my exams! SUMMER IS OFFICIALLY HERE
  2. I'm looking for a job... preferably in a book store or coffee shop!
  3. I GOT MY LICENSE! I passed my 'N' which in BC licensing language means that I can drive on my own, without an adult in the passenger seat! It was so nerve racking and I completely bombed my parallel parking, but the examiner was super nice and I actually did it! 

Stacking the Shelves is a book haul meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews -This is a great way for us to share what books we added to our shelves each week.

I went on an eBook spree and decided to start taking advantage of the iBooks app on the family iPad!


Leave me a link to your haul and I'll check it out!

Happy reading!


  1. Congrats on finishing your exams, and good luck on the summer job hunt! :) I hope you get an awesome summer job!! <3

    Love all of your books this week too. I actually haven't read all of them (>.<) but have heard amazing things about all of them!

    Stacking the Shelves #39

  2. Congrats on finishing your exams! My perfect job would be in a library or a coffee shop, though I already drink too much coffee, haha. I LOVED We Were Liars, so good, read it with the twitter readalong in a few hours then got a book hangover. Happy reading! :)

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  3. I liked Ruin and Rising but I was not thrilled about it :(

    Check our STS

    Leydy @ OUaT

  4. I"m really hoping I can Squeeze We were Liars in this summer. I grabbed the kindle edition a few weeks back but still haven't had time.

    Too many books I tell ya! :)

    Happy reading! :)

  5. Oh, I love the Cover for Bitterblue!! We were liars in on my shelf to be read still. Hope we both enjoy it! Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.


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