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Tuesday 30 October 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Kick-Ass Heroines

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.This week is Top Ten Favorite Kick-Ass Heroines!

 1. Hermione Granger - Hermione is one of the strongest women in literature I know! She's the smartest witch of her age, has a main role in defeating the most evil wizard of all time and has a huge heart. Plus, I would not want to be on the other end of her wand when she's angry!

2. Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy) - Rose is a pure BAD-ASS! She kicks Strigoi butt and is such a strong character!

3. Tris (Divergent) - Going from Abnegation to Dauntless has got to be hard, but Tris becomes one of the best initiates, plus is a main part in the revolution!

4. Katniss (Hunger Games) - There is no kick-ass heroine list without Katniss Everdeen. If you've read the books or even just seen the movie, you'll know that Katniss is not someone you'd want to mess around with

5. Janelle Tenner (Unraveling) - Janelle is intelligent, hilarious and badass. Plus, she saves the planet. How much more awesome can you get?

6. Sydney (Bloodlines) - Sydney is one of the smartest heroines I've read about, and she can do some serious damage with her chemistry set. Ok? Ok.

7. Eilzabeth Bennet (Pride & Prejudice) - Lizzie is such a fierce, strong woman, it's hard not to think of her as anything but kick-ass. 

8. Professor McGonagall (Harry Potter) -  Seriously, this woman is one fantastic witch. You do NOT want to mess with her. 

9. Mrs. Weasley (Harry Potter) - "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" (sorry for the language... it's a quote :P) I mean, she killed Bellatrix Lestrange. How can she not make this list?

That's all I can think of right now! Leave me a link to your TTT or tell me who your favourite heroines are! I'd love to know!
Have a great day!

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