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Tuesday 7 January 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Goals for 2014

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.This week's topic  is: Top Ten Bookish Goals and Resolutions for 2014 

1. Read 101 books --- this was my goal for 2013 but sadly it fell short. This year, I really want to try and make it!

2. Post at least one review every week on the blog.

3. Get a job, hopefully at a bookstore or coffee shop or some place that I'll enjoy working at!

4. Read more non-fiction! I've always shied away, but I have some really interesting ones on my shelf that I can't wait to crack open this year!

5. Read the Lord of the Rings trilogy

6. Start filming book hauls and doing some other videos as well.. I've been wanting to do this for so long but feel really shy, however I'd still like to do it. 

7. Go to a book signing -- I didn't go to any in 2013 and really wish I had! I'd love to meet more authors this year!

8. Accept the fact that if I'm not enjoying a book, it's okay to put it down and DNF it. 

9. Make more bookish/bloggy friends! I really want to connect with more of you and make some friends in the community. 

10. Request an ARC from a major publishing company... Just one. I don't even need to get it, I just want to send that email for the first time. Just to be able to do it. 

What do you guys have for goals in 2014? Put a link to your TTT below and I'll check it out!

Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Nice goals! I was able to smash the goal of getting a job right at the end of last year so I'm pretty happy. I'm sure you'll achieve all these goals so good luck ;)


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