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Monday 16 April 2012

Author Interview with Monica Leonelle

Hey everyone! I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Monica Leonelle, author of the new book Socialpunk. It was released on March 27th of this year and is the first book in a trilogy. Enjoy!

Ima would give anything to escape The Dome and learn what’s beyond its barriers, but the Chicago government has kept all its citizens on lockdown ever since the Scorched Years left most of the world a desert wasteland. When a mysterious group of hooded figures enters the city unexpectedly, Ima uncovers a plot to destroy The Dome and is given the choice between escaping to a new, dangerous city or staying behind and fighting a battle she can never win.

 Monica Leonelle is a well-known digital media strategist and the author of three novels. She blogs at Prose on Fire (http://proseonfire.com) and shares her writing and social media knowledge with other bloggers and authors through her Free Writer Toolkit (http://proseonfire.com/free-writer-toolkit).

If you could summarize your book in five words, what would they be?

Fun, fast-paced, futuristic world!

What was your inspiration to write Socialpunk?

Socialpunk is a bit like The Truman Show meets The Terminator, except Mark Zuckerburg is president of the world. I wanted to do a cyberpunk and Socialpunk is classically cyberpunk, down to its roots. I loved the idea of being trapped in a virtual reality, and then acclimating to the real world.

When did you know you wanted to become an author?

I feel like I mostly write because I can't help it. I love to write and that's how I express myself, day in and day out. I can never understand how people want to be writers or authors when they don't write. I always think, "Then why aren't you writing every day?" I organically average at least 2,000 words a day writing. When I'm finishing up a manuscript, I average closer to 5,000 words a day. This is just what I do, so I never believe people who say they're going to write something but just don't have the time.

Do you have a favorite time/place to write?

I love writing in the dead of night, when no one is around. No interruptions.

If you could only read three books in your entire lifetime, what would they be?

Probably the last three Harry Potter books. Of course, I would be absolutely miserable still—three books is a terrible limit!

What's your favorite thing to get from Starbucks or any other coffee shop?

I sometimes treat myself to a caramel mocha. It's basically like hot chocolate with additional sugar and whipped cream... amazing :)

Amazon: http://monicaleonelle.com/SocialpunkA
Barnes and Noble: http://monicaleonelle.com/SocialpunkB
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10628410-socialpunk

Thanks for stopping by, Monica! I can't wait to read Socialpunk... I just need an eReader that's easier to use than my iPod! It sounds really great!

Happy reading, everyone!


  1. A fast paced future world, sounds great. Hi, new follower from book blogs- a follow for a follow :) I'm at www.dorinewhite.blogspot.com

  2. What an interesting interview. I love her answer for the 3 books she would want! I am a huge Harry Potter fan and I would want those books, too. But, I agree- 3 books would be HARD! I wish the author much success. :)



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